Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Got Character(s)?

What do you get when you combine a favorite book character and Halloween?  The Literary Pumpkin Contest!  Our winner got a bucket of sweet treats, but we were the BIG winners…all of these amazing creations were displayed in the library. 

Get a closer look in our flickr album.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Special Effects Makeup - A Design Studio Workshop

Top Ten Things Learned from the SFX Makeup Workshops

  1. Glue stick, glue stick, glue stick!
  2. Set your makeup with a little Grandma dust.
  3. Eyebrows aren’t twins. They’re sisters!
  4. Scab blood, because there’s more than one kind of blood
  5. Coconut oil removes makeup.
  6. Don’t get latex in your hair.
  7. Passion drives learning. (These experts are self-taught!)
  8. Gore makeup…remove before going to class!
  9. Student experts + staff volunteers = Mega Fun!
  10. Design Studio workshops are going to be a blast!

We had our first ever Design Studio workshops this month. Since they were during the month of October, we decided to go with a Halloween theme. We asked one of our theater teachers if he could recommend any kids with special effects makeup skills. He quickly and enthusiastically replied with three students.

The students were very flattered that they were recommended. We met with the kids, planned out the workshops and got started marketing! These workshops were a fantastic jumping off point for the Design Studio. They didn’t cost a thing, the topic was high interest and, most importantly, students were leading the sessions.

The kids decided on four sessions with a cap of 15 kids per session. The first session covered the basics; getting started, supplies, etc. The rest of the workshops included demonstrations of specific makeup techniques; gore, character and fantasy. We created a Google form for students to sign-up.

The outcome?

It was a huge success! We even made it in the local and school newspaper! I really don’t know who enjoyed it more; the kids in attendance, the makeup experts or the staff volunteers! There was only one drawback. We set the bar SUPER high for future workshops! 

Check us out on Flickr to see more pictures from the workshops. If you want more information about how to set up your own workshops, give us a holler.

Monday, September 19, 2016

You Had Me at “Congratulations!”

Over the past few months Lori and I have spent a significant amount of time reflecting on our program, redefining what the LMC should be, and setting goals.  Just like everyone else, we’d prefer that all of our plans happen RIGHT NOW, but reality always steps in and demands a little patience.  Luckily all of our goals have been given a thumbs-up, but we're often left to find the funding to make them happen.  Since the lottery and scratch off tickets haven’t paid off for us, we took to grant writing where the odds are significantly more in our favor!  (Not kidding - we spent 45 minutes doing scratch off tickets.  Total winnings = $50)  To keep us on track, we’ve got a Google Doc that chronologically lists grants by their submission dates.  The first ones we submitted had due dates in June and now we’ve reached notification time.  Let me tell you, when you’re waiting to find out if your grant has been funded the absolute best thing to see in the subject line of an email is CONGRATULATIONS! 

As of today, we’re super excited to report that two of our grants have been funded.  Orders are being placed, plans are taking shape, and we’re back to the grant writing drawing board. 

We haven’t checked off all of our goals, but we’re much closer than we were….