Friday, April 29, 2016

Too Many Books! What?

“The biggest problem in our library is that there are too many books!”
– Michael, high school junior.

After the sting wore off, honestly, I’d say that single statement has brought about more reflection, conversation, and call to change than any other.  No, we didn’t toss out our books, but we have reexamined our collection and reevaluated the way we utilize space. 
With our student advisory team (Michael included) and the support of our library leadership and amazing administrators, we researched, surveyed, went on field trips, consulted experts, wrote grants and dared to dream. 

Our results?
  • After extensive, purposeful weeding, a collection that is way more relevant.
  • A “satellite” location for our infrequently used – yet still important – nonfiction collection. (Don’t worry, it’s safely tucked away in our school basement – secure and quickly retrieved upon request.)
  • A genrefied fiction section that honors the book store format and browsing style our students requested. 
  •  More wide-open, zoned spaces that accommodate all – cave, water cooler, campfire, and mountain top spaces – individuals, small collaborative groups, and whole classes!
  • The Nest – our school’s coffee shop that has been relocated to the LMC. 

I won’t lie, this reorganization was labor intensive and time consuming, but totally worth it.   Student and staff reactions to the improved layout have been overwhelmingly positive – whew!  Now, on to the next phase of our library transformation…